The bumper winter edition (#44) of Lowestoft Chronicle features fiction by J.L. Austin, Jeff Burt, Christopher Cosmos, Sharon Frame Gay, Elizabeth Sowden, Robert Wexelblatt, and Chila Woychik, poetry by dl mattila, James B. Nicola, and Aaron Sandberg, and creative nonfiction by Bill Brown, Lorraine Caputo, and Ben von Jagow.
The latest issue includes a brand new tale by Robert Wexelblatt featuring the wonderful itinerant peasant-poet Chen Hsi-wei. It also contains an impressive new story by Christopher Cosmos, whose debut novel, Once We Were Here, which details the untold true story of how Greece helped the Allies to win World War II, was published by Arcade and Simon & Schuster in October. Cosmos offered this glowing appraisal of the magazine: “Filled with equal parts charm, nostalgia, and a longing for the way we once were and could be again, this is a wonderful journal in the great and important American tradition of chronicling both where we’re going, where we’ve been, and everything else in-between. Reading the Lowestoft Chronicle is like looking at a Norman Rockwell painting.”
Read it online at www.lowestoftchronicle.com