
Issue 45 of Lowestoft Chronicle

Lowestoft Chronicle #45

This Spring edition of Lowestoft Chronicle includes some very good work by returning contributors Mary Donaldson-Evans, Charles Holdefer, Jacqueline Jules, Robert Mangeot, dl mattila, and James B. Nicola. Holdefer, author of the recent micro-story collection Agitprop for Bedtime: Polemic, Story Problems, Kulturporn and Humdingers, provides a particularly memorable fictitious memoir that is truly something to savor. Notable Lowestoft Chronicle newcomers include Shannon Cuthbert, DAH, Catherine Dowling, Christian Harrington, Bruce Harris, and Robin Michel. Harris, author of Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: ABout Type, had this to say of issue #45 of the magazine: “Come for the covers, stay for the content. This issue, like its predecessors, contains a wide-ranging mix of fiction, poetry, and creative non-fiction. You don’t have to be a detective to deduce that the March 2021 number packs a punch. Don’t take my word for it. Check out a sample, like Charles Holdefer’s, “Espèce de Cowboy.” Here’s the link: (http://lowestoftchronicle.com/issues/issue45/charlesholdefer/). Enjoy!”

Read it online at www.lowestoftchronicle.com

Read Issue 45 of Lowestoft Chronicle