Litchfield Reviews Petites Suites by Robert Wexelblatt for the Colorado Review

Petites Suites by Robert Wexelblatt“Thought-provoking, entertaining, and eloquent, like so many of his stories in Petites Suites, you can’t help but marvel at Wexelblatt’s ability to move and enchant in just a few concise pages. This inspired and truly original story collection is an exquisite joy, offering the equivalent beauty and charm a fine symphony might accomplish.”

Published today in the Colorado Review is my review of Robert Wexelblatt’s highly inventive story collection Petites Suites, a collection that pulsates with melody, harmony, and rhythm. Wexelblatt, whose novel Zublinka Among Women won the Indie Book Awards first-place prize for fiction in 2008, is the author of three previous story collections. I’ve read a lot of Robert’s stories over the years and his work is always worthwhile. You can read one of his recent excellent stories (“Hsi-Wei and the Good”) in issue #31 of Lowestoft Chronicle.

Read the full, in-depth book review here.