The Vicarious Traveler: A Lowestoft Chronicle Anthology

The Vicarious Traveler: A Lowestoft Chronicle Anthology

The Vicarious Traveler, the newest Lowestoft Chronicle Anthology, was published this week. It includes a foreword by Michael C. Keith, a professor emeritus at Boston College best known for his excellent memoir The Next Better Place. Author Keith Rosson, who penned the literary novels The Mercy of the Tide and Smoke City, commended the collection for its “sly humor” and “clear reverence of story.” Screenwriter Linda Boroff, responsible for the independent movie Murder in Fashion, called it a “cornucopia of riveting tales and vivid poetry,” and crime fiction writer Timothy J. Lockhart praised the editor for his “admirable work in selecting and presenting a memorable miscellany of fiction, nonfiction, and verse that beckons to literary travelers and leads them onward from one entertaining stop to another.”

The collection is available from all the major online booksellers, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or directly from the publisher.